Alva @ 11 months


Such a big girl already, soon to be a whole year old! You have now mastered the art of walking, as you’ve persistently practiced your wobbly steps. You’re like a little bouncy ball, fall down, get up again, never a peep. Again and again. It’s amazing to watch how tirelessly you strive for your goals, and willing to take risks along the way. I never imagined we’d have a little girl that would walk before the age of one (Ellinor didn’t until 14 months) but you have shown us with ease that it’s possible.

You think big sister is the funniest. Her constant dancing, singing and monkey-ing around cracks you up. She’s the best entertainer. You get upset every morning when she leaves for school with daddy, and wishes you could go with them out the door. You got to tag along for drop off the last time and you happily waved bye to me.

Your fearless personality is starting to show through. Always curious and always happy to approach something or someone new. You love walking up to strangers and putting your hand on their lap. Then just hang out there for a while as if it’s the most natural thing to do. At the playground you like to tumble around like a little tipsy person and I try hard to keep up.

You LOVE stairs. You like being in the swings just for a little bit, because after a while you feel it confines you. The same goes for the high chair. You’re not a big fan of being stuck somewhere not being able to move around. You love climbing out to our terrace. If the door is open you’ll walk out immediately. The same goes for most doors and gates actually, if they are open it won’t be long till you are on the other side.

But as much as you love escaping, you also do come back to me mommy when you’re tired or hungry. Lately you’ve been teething for few days, and that always makes you clingy. So, while it can be exhausting to carry you more than usual or turn into a all-night human pacifier, I do cherish these moments of your baby-hood before you turn into a full-fledged toddler.

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